Replica Affiliates Want To Earn EASY MONEY?
Promote our site and earn easy money! All you need to do is place a link or banner anywhere on your site or promote the site through PPC engines, SEO or anyway you see fit and you’re eligible to make money. As your link rolls customers to our site, and sells replica watches, money will flow back to you.
For sales that we gain from your link will translate into a 20% commission for you.
How Does It Work?
step 1
Sign Up and open an affiliate account
step 2
Place a link/banner on your site
step 3
Your link/banner rolls customers to our site, and sells replica watches
step 4
You get $$$
20% of all sales
What You Stand to Gain:
By participating in our Affiliate Program you stand to earn money easily. This is how:
- Signing up as an affiliate of Perfect Watches means you will be given a link to our website. This link can be placed anywhere on your website or any other html page
- When a customer uses your affiliate link to come to our site and make a purchase, that information is recorded in your account. This way you can track the sales that occur as a result of your affiliate link.
- You will be sent email notice regarding sales made as a a result of your affiliate link. You will receive a 20% commission on these sales.
- For example, if a customer spends $200 on our site after following your affiliate link, you will receive $40 in commission money.
The Affiliate program is an easy way for you to earn extra money. There are no strings attached, no fees, and you don’t have to do much to participate.
All of our affiliates are payed once monthly on the 15th. Your payment will be sent to you via a Western Union money or money wire.
To start an affiliate account you simply sign up. You will receive your account log in information in a personal email. If you have any questions regarding this process or the Affiliate Program in general, simply contact us at [email protected]